Kerala is home to 355 religious congregations and 470 major superiors, comprising 267 women's congregations, 71 priestly congregations, and 17 brothers' congregations. In total, there are approximately 117,000 religious personnel from Kerala, with 52,026 working within the state, 48,974 serving in other Indian states, and 16,000 working abroad. Despite Kerala's small geographical size—accounting for only 1% of India's total area and about 3% of its population—it provides more than 75% of Indian religious clergy and missionaries.
However, the joy these statistics bring is tempered by concerns over the erosion of spiritual and religious values within communities. The rise of materialism, secularism, and individualism in society has led to a significant decrease in religious vocations in Kerala. Many postulant and novitiate houses for women religious are now empty, reflecting this alarming trend.
In response to this crisis, KCMS has resolved to revitalize its efforts and strengthen the bond between the Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council (KCBC) and KCMS to renew the face of the Church. KCMS expresses immense gratitude to all the bishops in Kerala for their guidance and inspiration and to all the major superiors who actively participate in meetings and collaborate on KCMS activities.